Toyo University
Bio-Resilience Research Project

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Greetings at the start of the second period of BRRP




  • 脱炭素技術の開発:環境への負荷を低減し、カーボンニュートラルな方法でエネルギーや資源を生産するための技術革新。
  • 環境負荷低減技術の確立:新規の環境負荷低減法の開発によるSDGsへの貢献。
  • 新規生物資源の活用:極限環境微生物を用いた新しい資源利用方法の探求。
  • 地域産業の活性化:産業界との連携を強化し、地域経済への貢献を目指す。






Welcome to the Bioresilience Research Project
Science and technology have enriched our living environments, facing new challenges today. To achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), technological evolution is essential. To this end, the BioResilience Research Project, led by Toyo University, focuses on extremophiles that can survive in harsh environments.

Research Focus

Our project advances significant areas including:
  • Development of Decarbonization Technologies: Innovating technologies that reduce environmental impact and produce energy and resources in carbon-neutral ways.
  • Establishment of Environmental Load Reduction Techniques: Developing new methods to reduce environmental burdens, contributing to the SDGs.
  • Utilization of Novel Biological Resources: Exploring new ways to utilize extremophiles as fresh resources.
  • Revitalization of Local Industries: Strengthening collaborations with industry to contribute to regional economies.

Collaborations and Joint Research

We aim to demonstrate leadership in extremophile research through partnerships with domestic and international academia, government, and industry. We are also committed to accelerating the practical application of our research results through joint ventures with companies.

Long-term Vision

Our goals by 2030 include achieving the SDGs and establishing ventures originating from Toyo University. By our 150th anniversary in 2037, we aim to be globally respected as a university that continues to contribute to the creation of a sustainable future.

Bio-Resilience Research Project (BRRP), project leader

Masahiro Ito


About BRRP

/ 東洋大学バイオレジリエンス研究プロジェクト(BRRP)とは

Research building 5

Outline / Purpose


Toyo University Bio-Resilience Research Project (BRRP) is based on the research theme "A study to implement advanced science on extremophiles in society to achieve the SDGs-Extremophiles × SDGs × Toyo Grand Design 2020–2024-" adopted in the 2021 Toyo University Top Priority Research Program. Currently, the research project focuses on extremophile research. In the future, we will promote "Bio-Resilience" research targeting animals, plants, and microorganisms in addition to extremophile research. We will also promote research that contributes to the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  


Research project

科学技術はこれまで我々の生活を豊かにする方策の一つとして重要な役割を果たしてきました。そして、国連における「我々の世界を変革する:持続可能な開発のための2030アジェンダ」の中でもSDGsに掲げられた目標達成のために技術革新による飛躍的進歩が求められています。我々の研究プロジェクトでは、高温、高pH、高塩濃度、放射線、有機溶媒といった過酷な極限環境でも生育可能で新たな生物資源として注目される極限環境微生物(extremophiles)を研究対象とし、SDGsに掲げられた目標(環境浄化、健康福祉、産業応用)を実現する研究を行っています。極限環境微生物研究によるSDGs貢献を謳ったプロジェクトは、国内外においてこれまでに例がない新規な試みであり、本研究プロジェクトの特徴となっています。技術を軸に健康・福祉、環境浄化、産業応用などのSDGsに通じる専門性を持つ研究員が連携して分野横断的な取り組みを行い、異分野融合によるシナジー効果で解決策を見出すことにより、SDGsが掲げる目標に貢献することおよび国内外の産官学に所属する研究協力者と有機的に連携をはかり東洋大学が極限環境微生物研究の基幹大学としての国内外の地位を確立し極限環境微生物研究のCenter of Excellence (COE)を目指すことを目的としています。

Science and technology have played an important role as one of the measures to enrich our lives. And, in the United Nations, "Science and technology have played an important role as one of the measures to enrich our lives. And, in the United Nations "Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development", breakthroughs through technological innovation are required to achieve the goals outlined in the SDGs. Our research project research Extremophiles can grow in harsh extreme environments such as high temperature, high pH, high salt concentration, radiation, and organic solvents. The extremophiles are attracting attention as new biological resources. We are also researching to achieve the goals (environmental purification, health, and welfare, industrial application) outlined in the SDGs by utilizing the capabilities of extremophiles. The project proclaiming the contribution of SDGs through extremophile research is a new attempt that has never been seen in Japan or overseas and is a feature of this research project. Researchers with expertise in SDGs such as health/welfare, environmental purification, and industrial application, centered on technology, collaborate in cross-disciplinary efforts and find solutions through synergistic effects through interdisciplinary fusion. To contribute to the goals outlined in Japan and organically collaborate with research collaborators belonging to industry, government, and academia in Japan and overseas, and Toyo University has established its position as a core university for extremophile research in Japan and overseas. The aim is to be the Center of Excellence (COE). 

SDGs logo

「SDGs(Sustainable Development Goals)」とは
What are "SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)"?

SDGs(Sustainable Development Goals)」とは、2015年9月の国連サミットで採択された国際社会全体の目標です。持続可能な世界の実現に向けて2030年までに、貧困、教育、ジェンダー平等、エネルギー、気候変動など17の達成すべきゴールを定め、それらを達成するために具体的な169のターゲットを定めています。国連サミットには150を超える加盟国首脳が参加し、2030年までに持続可能でよりよい世界を目指す国際目標に合意し、地球上の「誰一人取り残さない(leave no one behind)」ことを誓いました。

"SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)" are the goals of the entire international community adopted at the United Nations Summit in September 2015. The United Nations has set 17 goals to be achieved by 2030, including poverty, education, gender equality, energy, and climate change, toward realizing a sustainable world. And it sets out 169 specific targets to achieve these. At the United Nations Summit, more than 150 member state leaders participated, agreed on an international goal for a sustainable and better world by 2030, and pledged to "leave no one behind" on the planet. 



地球上の多種多様な通常の微生物は温和な環境を好んで生きています。しかしながら、自然界には常識では考えられないような厳しい環境であるような高温の源泉中、強アルカリ泉、強酸性泉、南極の氷中、高濃度の塩水湖、高水圧下の深海底等を好んで生育場所とする変り者(極限環境微生物)がいます。更に、シンナー等の有機溶媒中や強い放射線に対しても平気な微生物もいます。 これらの微生物を極限環境微生物(Extremophiles)と呼びます。極限環境微生物研究は、国際極限環境微生物学会の初代会長であり、東洋大学生命科学部の初代学部長でもあった掘越弘毅名誉教授によって世界に先駆け日本で学問的に体系化され、その研究の源流は東洋大学にも流れています。特筆することとして極限環境微生物学の研究者がこれほど集結している大学は国内・国外を見渡しても希有であり、他の大学に比べて圧倒的な優位性を有しています。

A wide variety of ordinary microorganisms on the earth prefer a mild environment to live in. However, in high-temperature springs, strong alkaline springs, strong acid springs, Antarctic ice, high-concentration saltwater lakes, deep-sea floors under high water pressure, etc., which are harsh environments that are unthinkable in the natural world. There are strangers (extreme environmental microorganisms) who prefer to live in a habitat. In addition, some microorganisms are safe against strong radiation and organic solvents such as thinner.
These microorganisms are called "Extremophiles." Extremophile research was systematized academically in Japan for the first time in the world by Professor Koki Horikoshi, the first president of the International Society for Extremophile (ISE) and the first dean of the Faculty of Life Sciences, Toyo University. The Extremophile Research Group of Toyo University aims to take over Professor Horikoshi's research intentions and develop them. It is worth mentioning that a university where researchers of extremophile microbiology are gathered is rare even if you look around the country and abroad. It has an overwhelming advantage over other universities.

Grand Prismatic Spring

What is "resilience"?


"Resilience," which is also used in the name of the project, is a word that means "elasticity," "restoring force," and "resilience." Originally used in the field of physics to mean "the force to repel distortions from (physical) external forces", it is now used in the field of psychology as "social disadvantage and disadvantage to oneself". It is also used as "individual ability to adapt one's life task to such a situation". The extremophiles we are studying are creatures that prefer to live in harsh environments where humans cannot live, so to speak, with the ability to repel harsh environments. 


/ 研究紹介








